Our Story

Pure Air Project Inc was founded by four high school students in New Jersey; Anushka, Tanvi, Shreeji, and Aleena. While brainstorming research topics in their college level AP Capstone class, they stumbled upon the topic of the rapidly growing vaping epidemic in their community. As high school students vaping was not a foreign topic. At school they constantly experience their classmates or friends sneaking out of class to vape in the bathrooms or in the hallways. And after doing some surface level research they chose to continue with vaping as their topic after finding out the gruesome affects addiction has on the body. They dove into deeper research as they compiled over 40 different sources and studies into their four different research papers.
Eventually vaping became more than just a topic for a research paper, they wanted to use all of their knowledge and findings into educating their peers of the dangers of vaping. Soon after they scheduled a meeting with the Parsippany Troy-Hills Board of Education and spoke with administration to possibly find a solution and put an end to vaping. It was amazing for them to have received support and praise from administration. They were delighted to have teenagers share their perspectives on the ongoing vaping problem in the district. Since then Pure Air Project has hosted several anti-vaping seminars in the community; ranging from kids to teens to parents and grandparents!